Read First Ideas and Feedback Forum (READ BEFORE POSTING)

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Staff member
Welcome to the Ideas and Feedback Subforum!

This section is here to allow you, the community, to provide your input on the network. You can use this to explain any sort of change or addition you would like to see, as well as get input from your fellow community members. This section is intended to be as productive as possible, and as such has a few specific rules that apply to it, found here:

1) Make sure to appropriate prefix on your post. This allows us to more effectively review suggestions related to specific topics. This can also allow those who have more experience with those topics get involved with discussions. This can be done by using the prefix drop down when making a new post. For a suggestion related to a game, please use the specific games prefix (eg. Bed Wars). For any other server suggestions, please use the network prefix. For any suggestions related to the forums or website as a whole, please use the website prefix.

2) Make sure you aren't rage posting. While we understand that you are passionate about the game, it is important that any and all feedback is presented in a level headed, constructive way. This includes any sort of post you might make that is driven by anger, attacks other users or staff, excessively curses, or if you feel the need to include a tag such as [Rant] in the title. In any of these cases, it is best to take a short break to calm down, and write and post your feedback once you have calmed down.

3) Please make sure your suggestion doesn't already exist before making it.

4) Make sure your post follows every single network rule found here.

If you are looking to suggest a new game, please tag the suggestion as a network suggestion. Please also use this format below such that the information is conveyed as concisely and cleanly as possible:

Title of Minigame (Optional):
This is not necessary when suggesting a minigame, although it does help.

Overview of the Game:
Give us an idea of your game. What's the goal? How many players is it made for? How would it work in Minecraft? Go into as much detail as you find fitting.

This can be videos, pictures, or anything that might give us a better idea of the minigame you're suggesting.

Possible Map Ideas for your Minigame:
How big should the maps be? What should these maps include?

Specific Items/Abilities:
This can include a shop, double jump, things of that nature.

Possible Achievements for this Minigame:
Any achievements that you'd like to have included to match the minigame.

Any Additional Information or Final Notes you Wish to Include:
Possibly a developer's note, any final things you'd like the viewer to know.
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